Kidney Stones  which are no longer a rare disease  affects about 12% of the world population. Among all the predisposing factors lack of physical activity constitutes 42.79%. In India STONE BELT,occupies Maharashtra,Gujarat,Punjab,Haryana,Delhi and Rajasthan. How inactivity linked to kidney stones? Limited activity or lack of activity cause bones to release more calcium i.e. increased bone resorption. About 80% of stones are calcium based, predominantly either calcium oxalate (70%) or calcium phosphate (10%). Those with BMI ≥ 30 kg / m2 have 30% higher risk among men, but there is nearly a two-fold higher risk among women compared to those with a BMI of 21 – 23 kg / m2.  BUT  PHYSICAL  THERAPY  CAN  HELP!!!! Source- Sorenson et al 2014  J ournal of the American Society of Nephrology ,  25 (2), 362-369 . 30 minute walk 3-times per week. Women could get the maximum benefit by performing 10 metabolic equivalents per week, which is the equiva


"Far are not those days  when BELLY BEAR   poses a grater risk than Global TERRORISM"

Our bodies have fat just under the skin. But there is another layer of fat that is deeper (called “visceral” fat). This is deep within a cavity in the belly. It surrounds some of the vital organs of the body. They are: the stomach, the liver, and the intestines.  In fact, this fat is very close to the liver. It is so close that the liver can turn it into cholesterol. From there, this fat goes through the bloodstream. It may collect along the walls of the arteries. This leads the arteries to get hard and narrow (called “atherosclerosis”). This BMI  measurement does not account for variation in body fat distribution and abdominal fat mass

Why Is Belly Fat Worse Than Fat Stored In Any Other Part Of The body? 
 Subcutaneous fat helps in the supply of oxygen ,acts like a cushioning effect if you fall or experience impact. It also serves as a store house of energy. Excess subcutaneous fat will give you the flabby arms, thighs etc and is easily burned off with exercise rather than diet.

Visceral fat only increases your waist line, choking and tightening your internal organs. As you will see later visceral fat is linked to cardiovascular diseases and cancer

Link Between Visceral Fat And Cancer 
Since visceral fat leads to the inflammation of the body, it is linked to cancer too, especially colon cancer. Visceral fat contains an immune cell macrophages, which produces a hormone Cytokines that causes

This hormone ‘can increase oxidative stress and boost free radical production and they can disturb insulin function.’

Link Between Visceral Fat And Cardiovascular disease 

 Besides just Fat under the skin, there is another layer of fat  (called “visceral” fat )which is deep within a cavity in the belly. It surrounds some of the vital organs of the body. They are: the stomach, the liver, and the intestines. In fact, this fat is very close to the liver. It is so close that the liver can turn it into cholesterol. From there, this fat goes through the bloodstream. It may collect along the walls of the arteries. This leads the arteries to get hard and narrow (called “atherosclerosis”).

→BMI  measurement does not account for variation in body fat distribution and abdominal fat mass


1) Sugary Foods and Beverages
2) Alcohol

3) Trans Fats Trans

fats have been shown to cause inflammation. This can lead to insulin resistance, heart disease and various other diseases


5High protein diets- it make you feel full and satisfied, increase your metabolic rate and lead to a spontaneous reduction in calorie intake.

After menopasue estrogen levels drop dramatically, causing fat to be stored in the abdomen, rather than on the hips and thighs

7Stress and Cortisol
In many people, stress drives overeating. But instead of the excess calories being stored as fat all over the body, cortisol promotes fats storage in the belly Interestingly, women who have large waists in proportion to their hips have been found to secrete more cortisol when stressed .

8Low-Fiber Diets
Not Enough SleepThose who slept 5 hours or less per night were 32% more likely to gain 32 lbs (15 kg) than those who slept at least 7 hours .Sleep disorders may also lead to weight gain. One of the most common disorders, sleep apnea, is a condition in which breathing stops repeatedly during the night due to soft tissue in the throat blocking the airway.

Waist to hip ratio
Divide your waist measurement at its narrowest point by your hip measurement at its widest point.
Waist circumference was measured using a measuring tape over the unclothed abdomen, with measurements made halfway between the lower border of the ribs and the highest point of iliac crest (at the umbilicus level) in the standing position.
 Hip circumference was measured over light clothing at the widest point over the buttocks when viewed from the side

i. Eat Plenty Of Soluble Fat
ii. Eat Soluble Fiber- it absorbs water and forms a gel that helps slow down food as it passes through your digestive system.
iii. Avoid Foods That Contain Trans Fats
iv. Don't Drink Too Much Alcohol
v. Eat a High-Protein Diet
vi. Reduce Your Stress Levels
vii. Cut Back On Carbs


  1. Very useful information...thank u so much Dr.Tanya for helping us and sharing this kind of information.worth reading👍👌


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